Doghouse records has released remastered versions of the Get-up Kids’ first full-length, and both EP’s (On one disc). The only problem I have with this is that they changed the artwork. Call me stubborn, but I disagree with changing the artwork to a full length album – just on principle. Doesn’t that strike anyone else as just plain wrong? Save your originals for a few years and sell them on eBay.
Dolly Parton does a cover of Collective Soul’s “Shine” on her new album, ‘Little Sparrow.’ No, I’m not kidding.
It seems that everyone in the world loves Icelanders Sigur Ros. I was initially turned off by their ‘Both English and Icelandic as languages are too unexpressive to communicate our grand message so here’s a new language, suckers’ stance, which is surprising because I’m usually a huge fan of pretension in rock. If you weren’t lucky enough to pick up something by them before “the Buzz” hit, you’re not likely to find too much in the shops, as it seems they have an unhealthy propensity for limited editions. I managed to find that film score they did on vinyl, but as my luck would have it, there’s a skip in my copy. It did, however, come with a coupon redeemable for a free limited edition print, which will surely be “ebay gold” in the months to come. You can listen to real audio samples of their work here.
…and speaking of pretension, here’s a loosely translated Dutch interview with Godspeed You Black Emperor!, in which they pretty well thrash Radiohead. A rebuttal from GYBE! guitarist Efrin follows the interview. [via Usagainstthem]